About the Civil College Foundation

CCF (1994) is a nati­on­wi­de adult edu­ca­ti­on orga­ni­za­ti­on for com­mu­nity deve­lop­ment, com­mu­nity work and citi­zen stu­di­es. In the last 20 years CCF became a lead­ing orga­ni­za­ti­on in civil soci­ety deve­lop­ment in Hun­gary, hav­ing inten­sive con­nec­ti­on and net­work with seve­ral hund­reds of civil soci­ety orga­ni­za­tions and local com­mu­ni­ti­es across Hun­gary and with out­re­ach to and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with many Euro­pe­an and some U.S. part­ners. CCF is invol­ved in the acti­vi­ti­es of seve­ral wor­king struc­tu­res in order to rep­re­sent the case of citi­zen and com­mu­nity par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the deci­si­on-mak­ing pro­ces­ses both on the nati­o­nal and inter­na­ti­o­nal level.

Due to a num­ber of other pre­li­mi­na­ri­es, in 2010 CCF star­ted to seri­o­usly engage in Com­mu­nity Orga­ni­zing  and it has devel­oped a Com­mu­nity Orga­ni­zing train­ing and con­sul­ta­ti­on sys­tem that is tail­or­ed to the Hun­ga­ri­an con­di­tions. Thro­ugh vari­o­us prog­ram­mes CCF has manag­ed to mobi­li­ze a wide range of citi­zens who­se inte­rests have been infrin­ged upon (Roma inte­rest enfor­ce­ment gro­ups, LGBTQI gro­ups, gro­ups orga­ni­zing hom­eless people and people with disa­bi­li­ti­es, disad­van­tag­ed youth and ten­ants’ gro­ups). CCF is now pro­vi­ding comp­lex pro­fes­si­o­nal and finan­cial sup­port for 15–27 paid orga­ni­zers all over Hungary.

CCF has a res­iden­ti­al Train­ing Cent­re 75 KMs from Buda­pest whe­re yearly abo­ut 5–700 volunteers/community acti­vists are tra­ined (for free or first cost), plus pro­vi­des 2–3 sta­te-wide deve­lop­ment work­shops, voca­ti­o­nal train­ings, 2–4 national/international semi­nars, pro­fes­si­o­nal prog­ram­mes and pro­jects, exc­hanges, con­fe­ren­ces and work­shops. For 10 years CCF has been lead-orga­ni­zer of the Citi­zen Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on Week (CPW) in Hun­gary, invol­ving around 30.000 citi­zens every year.

CCF is cur­rently wor­king with a staff of 10 emp­loye­es and a local soci­al coope­ra­tive is manag­ing its train­ing cent­re. The head­qu­ar­ters are in Buda­pest. CCF is wor­king with 15–20 trainers regularly.

Fresh! Civil Col­l­e­ge Foun­da­ti­on has been wor­king for com­mu­ni­ti­es in Hun­gary for 25+1 years. After a quar­ter of a cent­ury, it has moved to a new level of com­mu­nity advo­cacy: after int­ro­du­cing local and issue-bas­ed com­mu­nity orga­ni­zing, it is hel­ping nati­o­nal issues succ­e­ed by buil­ding coa­lit­ions. The­ir com­mu­nity orga­ni­zers are wor­king for sys­te­mic chan­ge. Read more…

CCF is a mem­ber of 3 inter­na­ti­o­nal Net­works:
– Cent­ral and Eas­tern Euro­pe­an Citi­zens Net­work (www.ceecn.net)
– Euro­pe­an Com­mu­nity Orga­ni­zing Net­work (www.econnet.eu)
– Pan-Euro­pe­an ePar­ti­ci­pa­ti­on Net­work (http://pep-net.eu/)
Strategic part­ner of the Euro­pe­an Com­mu­nity Deve­lop­ment Net­work (www.eucdn.net)

High­lights of CCF acti­vi­ti­es inc­lu­de:
-Deve­lop­ing train­ing mate­ri­als & pro­vi­de tra­in the trainers work­shops
-Adult edu­ca­ti­on (short term cour­ses, semi­nars, voca­ti­o­nal train­ing etc.)
-Com­mu­nity orga­ni­zing, com­mu­nity deve­lop­ment, com­mu­nity work
-Capa­ci­ty buil­ding for civic soci­ety orga­ni­za­tions and NGOs
-Citi­zen Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, Active Citi­zen­s­hip, ‑volun­te­e­r­ism, citi­zens engag­ement
-Event orga­ni­za­ti­on
-Exc­han­ge prog­rams
-Inter­na­ti­o­nal col­la­bo­ra­ti­on & part­ner­s­hip buil­ding
-Docu­men­ta­ti­on, pub­li­ca­tions
-Rese­arch and deve­lop­ment of new met­ho­do­lo­gi­es
-ePar­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, eDe­moc­racy pro­jects and tools
-Out­re­ach thro­ugh modern tech­no­logy and soci­al media tools

Film abo­ut our acti­vi­ti­es and the Civil Col­l­e­ge train­ing centre

CCF quick intro

After two years of pre­pa­ra­to­ry work by CCF’s com­mu­nity orga­ni­sers, the Water Coa­lit­ion, a gro­up of con­cer­ned local com­mu­ni­ti­es and water supply pro­fes­si­o­nals has been laun­ched to iden­ti­fy and pre­sent the sec­tor’s prob­lems, the­ir poten­ti­al con­se­qu­en­ces and cur­rent impacts, and to mobi­li­se deci­si­on-makers to take acti­on. Read more…

Ple­a­se check out our pre­vi­o­us results in com­mu­nity orga­ni­zing! Orga­ni­ze and Get Organized!

We care abo­ut child­ren and vul­ne­rab­le gro­ups! Here you can find our safe­gu­ard poli­cy!