GLC Professional Fellows Alumni Reunion 2022

We wel­co­me our inter­na­ti­o­nal alum­ni fri­ends from all around the world! Here we would like to sha­re some impor­tant infor­ma­ti­on and would like to ask you to fill out our reg­istra­ti­on form!

We will pro­vi­de a detai­led prog­ram later, but we plan an anni­ver­sary ope­ning event on the first day (on the 16th of Novem­ber), with the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of the Embassies.

Date: 16. Novem­ber 2022 — 20. Novem­ber 2022

Place: 16. Novem­ber — Buda­pest / Hungary

17. Novem­ber — 20. Novem­ber — Pécs / Hungary

The venue in Pécs will be the Hotel Cor­so, a pretty new hotel in the cen­ter of the city. We will pro­vi­de the hotel in Buda­pest later. We will have an orga­ni­zed trans­fer to Pécs on the 17th of Novem­ber and return on the 20th of November.

Covid regulation

We would like to ask all our guests to pro­vi­de a nega­tive Covid-19 test (Rapid or PCR) no old­er than 48 hours befo­re arri­ving at the Reuni­on. We will check this at the reg­istra­ti­on! Unfor­tu­na­tely wit­ho­ut a nega­tive test, we will not able to let you par­ti­ci­pa­te at the event! Thank you for your coope­ra­ti­on and under­stand­ing in this matter!

Registration form

Ple­a­se send your reg­istra­ti­on by the 15th of September!