Anco­raT­he­mes (web­site url add­ress: http://ancorathemes.com/) app­re­cia­tes your busi­ness and trust. We are Cyprus bas­ed com­pany, creat­ing pro­ducts to enhance your web­site buil­ding expe­ri­en­ce. Ple­a­se read this Pri­vacy Poli­cy, pro­vi­ding con­sent to both docu­ments in order to have per­mis­si­on to use our services.


We are Cyprus bas­ed com­pany and ope­ra­te web ser­vers hos­ted in Ger­many. Our host­ing pro­vi­der Hetz­ner Online GmbH adhe­res to the EU/US “Pri­vacy Shield”, ensuring that your data is secu­rely stor­ed and GDPR comp­li­ant. For more infor­ma­ti­on on Hetz­ner Online GmbH pri­vacy poli­cy, ple­a­se see here: Hetz­ner Data Pri­vacy Poli­cy.


If you reg­is­ter on our web­site, we store your cho­s­en user­name and your email add­ress and any addi­ti­o­nal per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on added to your user pro­fi­le. You can see, edit, or dele­te your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on at any time (except chang­ing your user­name). Web­site admi­nist­ra­tors can also see and edit this information.


To rece­ive pro­duct sup­port, you have to have one or more Envato/AncoraThemes purc­ha­se codes on our web­site. The­se purc­ha­se codes will be stor­ed toget­her with sup­port exp­ira­ti­on dates and your user data. This is requ­i­red for us to pro­vi­de you with down­lo­ads, pro­duct sup­port and other cus­to­mer services.


If you have reg­is­te­red on our web­site and have a valid sup­port account, you can sub­mit sup­port tic­kets for assis­tance. Sup­port form sub­mis­sions are sent to our third par­ty Ticksy tic­ke­ting sys­tem. Only the data you exp­li­citly pro­vi­ded is sent, and you are asked for con­sent, each time you want to crea­te a new sup­port tic­ket. Ticksy adhe­res to the EU/US “Pri­vacy Shield” and you can see the­ir pri­vacy poli­cy here: Ticksy Pri­vacy Poli­cy.


When you leave com­ments on the web­site we coll­ect the data shown in the com­ments form, and also the IP add­ress and brow­ser user agent string to help spam detection.


Infor­ma­ti­on sub­mit­ted thro­ugh the con­tact form on our site is sent to our com­pany email, hos­ted by Zoho. Zoho adhe­res to the EU/US “Pri­vacy Shield” poli­cy and you can find more infor­ma­ti­on abo­ut this here: Zoho Pri­vacy Poli­cy.

The­se sub­mis­sions are only kept for cus­to­mer ser­vi­ce pur­pos­es they are never used for mar­ke­ting pur­pos­es or sha­red with third parties.


We use Goog­le Analy­tics on our site for ano­ny­mous report­ing of site usage. So, no per­so­na­li­zed data is stor­ed. If you would like to opt-out of Goog­le Analy­tics moni­tor­ing your beha­vi­or on our web­site ple­a­se use this link: Goog­le Analy­tics Opt-out.


We use your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on in the fol­lo­wing cases:


  • Verification/identification of the user during web­site usage;
  • Pro­vi­ding Tech­ni­cal Assistance;
  • Send­ing updates to our users with impor­tant infor­ma­ti­on to inform abo­ut news/changes;
  • Chec­king the accounts’ acti­vity in order to pre­vent fra­u­dul­ent tran­sac­tions and ensure the security
  • over our cus­to­mers’ per­so­nal information;
  • Cus­to­mi­ze the web­site to make your expe­ri­en­ce more per­so­nal and engaging;
  • Gua­ran­tee ove­rall per­for­mance and admi­nistra­tive func­tions run smoothly.
Pages on this site may inc­lu­de embed­ded cont­ent, like You­Tu­be vide­os, for examp­le. Embed­ded cont­ent from other web­si­tes beha­ves in the exact same way as if you visi­ted the other website. The­se web­si­tes may coll­ect data abo­ut you, use coo­ki­es, embed addi­ti­o­nal third-par­ty trac­king, and moni­tor your inter­ac­ti­on with that embed­ded cont­ent, inc­lu­ding trac­king your inter­ac­ti­on with the embed­ded cont­ent if you have an account and are log­ged-in to that web­site. Below you can find a list of the ser­vi­ces we use:
The Face­book page plu­gin is used to disp­lay our Face­book time­line on our site. Face­book has its own coo­kie and pri­vacy poli­ci­es over which we have no cont­rol. The­re is no ins­tal­la­ti­on of coo­ki­es from Face­book and your IP is not sent to a Face­book ser­ver until you con­sent to it. See the­ir pri­vacy poli­cy here: Face­book Pri­vacy Poli­cy .
We use the Twit­ter API to disp­lay our twe­ets time­line on our site. Twit­ter has its own coo­kie and pri­vacy poli­ci­es over which we have no cont­rol. Your IP is not sent to a Twit­ter ser­ver until you con­sent to it. See the­ir pri­vacy poli­cy here: Twit­ter Pri­vacy Poli­cy .
We use You­Tu­be vide­os embed­ded on our site. You­Tu­be has its own coo­kie and pri­vacy poli­ci­es over which we have no cont­rol. The­re is no ins­tal­la­ti­on of coo­ki­es from You­Tu­be and your IP is not sent to a You­Tu­be ser­ver until you con­sent to it. See the­ir pri­vacy poli­cy here: You­Tu­be Pri­vacy Poli­cy.
We pro­vi­de you with the cho­i­ce to accept this or not, we prompt con­sent boxes for all embed­ded cont­ent, and no data is trans­fer­red befo­re you con­sen­ted to it. The check­bo­xes below show you all embeds you have con­sen­ted to so far. You can opt-out any time by un-chec­king them and clic­king the update button. 
  • You­Tu­be
  • Face­book
  • Twit­ter
This site uses coo­ki­es – small text files that are pla­ced on your machi­ne to help the site pro­vi­de a bet­ter user expe­ri­en­ce. In gene­ral, coo­ki­es are used to reta­in user pre­fe­ren­ces, store infor­ma­ti­on for things like shop­ping carts, and pro­vi­de ano­ny­mi­zed trac­king data to third par­ty app­li­ca­tions like Goog­le Analy­tics. Coo­ki­es gene­rally exist to make your brow­sing expe­ri­en­ce bet­ter. Howe­ver, you may pre­fer to dis­ab­le coo­ki­es on this site and on others. The most effec­tive way to do this is to dis­ab­le coo­ki­es in your brow­ser. We sug­gest con­sult­ing the help sec­ti­on of your browser.
  • cfdu­id: Is used for our CDN Clo­udF­la­re to iden­ti­fy indi­vi­du­al cli­ents behind a sha­red IP add­ress and apply secu­rity sett­ings on a per-cli­ent basis. See more infor­ma­ti­on on pri­vacy here: Clo­udF­la­re Pri­vacy Poli­cy.
  • PHPSESSID: To iden­ti­fy your uni­que ses­si­on on the website.
  • wp-auth: Used by Word­Press to aut­hen­ti­ca­te log­ged-in visi­tors, pass­word aut­hen­ti­ca­ti­on and user verification.
  • wordpress_logged_in_{hash}: Used by Word­Press to aut­hen­ti­ca­te log­ged-in visi­tors, pass­word aut­hen­ti­ca­ti­on and user verification.
  • wordpress_test_cookie Used by Word­Press to ensure coo­ki­es are wor­king correctly.
  • wp-settings-[UID]: Word­Press sets a few wp-settings-[UID] coo­ki­es. The num­ber on the end is your indi­vi­du­al user ID from the users data­ba­se tab­le. This is used to cus­to­mi­ze your view of admin inter­face, and pos­sibly also the main site interface.
  • wp-settings-[UID]:Word­Press also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] coo­ki­es. The num­ber on the end is your indi­vi­du­al user ID from the users data­ba­se tab­le. This is used to cus­to­mi­ze your view of admin inter­face, and pos­sibly also the main site interface.
If you are not a reg­is­te­red cli­ent for our site, the­re is no per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on we can reta­in or view regard­ing yourself. If you are a cli­ent with a reg­is­te­red account, your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on can be acces­sed by:
  • Our sys­tem administrators.
  • Our sup­port­ers when they (in order to pro­vi­de sup­port) need to get the infor­ma­ti­on abo­ut the cli­ent accounts and access.
We don’t sha­re your data with third-par­ti­es in a way as to reve­al any of your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on like email, name, etc. The only except­ions to that rule are for part­ners we have to sha­re limi­ted data with in order to pro­vi­de the ser­vi­ces you expect from us. Ple­a­se see below:
For the pur­po­se of vali­dat­ing and gett­ing your purc­ha­se infor­ma­ti­on regard­ing licen­ses for the Ava­da the­me, we send your pro­vi­ded tokens and purc­ha­se keys to Enva­to Pty Ltd and use the res­pon­se from the­ir API to reg­is­ter your vali­da­ted sup­port data. See the Enva­to pri­vacy poli­cy here: Enva­to Pri­vacy Poli­cy.
Ticksy pro­vi­des the sup­port tic­ke­ting plat­form we use to hand­le sup­port requests. The data they rece­ive is limi­ted to the data you exp­li­citly pro­vi­de and con­sent to being set when you crea­te a sup­port tic­ket. Ticksy adhe­res to the EU/US “Pri­vacy Shield” and you can see the­ir pri­vacy poli­cy here: Ticksy Pri­vacy Poli­cy.

When you sub­mit a sup­port tic­ket or a com­ment, its met­ada­ta is reta­ined until (if) you tell us to remo­ve it. We use this data so that we can recog­ni­ze you and app­ro­ve your com­ments auto­ma­ti­cally ins­tead of hol­ding them for moderation.

If you reg­is­ter on our web­site, we also store the per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on you pro­vi­de in your user pro­fi­le. You can see, edit, or dele­te your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on at any time (except chang­ing your user­name). Web­site admi­nist­ra­tors can also see and edit that information.


We use the SSL/HTTPS pro­to­col thro­ug­ho­ut our site. This encrypts our user com­mu­ni­ca­tions with the ser­vers so that per­so­nal iden­ti­fi­ab­le infor­ma­ti­on is not captured/hijacked by third par­ti­es wit­ho­ut authorization.

In case of a data bre­ach, sys­tem admi­nist­ra­tors will imme­dia­tely take all nee­ded steps to ensure sys­tem integ­rity, will con­tact affec­ted users and will attempt to reset pass­words if needed.


If you have a reg­is­te­red account on this web­site or have left com­ments, you can request an export­ed file of the per­so­nal data we reta­in, inc­lu­ding any addi­ti­o­nal data you have pro­vi­ded to us.

You can also request that we era­se any of the per­so­nal data we have stor­ed. This does not inc­lu­de any data we are obli­ged to keep for admi­nistra­tive, leg­al, or secu­rity pur­pos­es. In short, we can­not era­se data that is vital to you being an active cus­to­mer (i.e. basic account infor­ma­ti­on like an email address).

If you wish that all of your data is eras­ed, we will no lon­ger be able to offer any sup­port or other pro­duct-rela­ted ser­vi­ces to you.


Your pri­vacy is cri­ti­cally impor­tant to us. Going for­ward with the GDPR we aim to sup­port the GDPR stan­dard. Anco­raT­he­mes per­mits res­idents of the Euro­pe­an Union to use its Ser­vi­ce. The­re­fo­re, it is the int­ent of Anco­raT­he­mes to comply with the Euro­pe­an Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­ti­on Regu­la­ti­on. For more deta­ils ple­a­se see here: EU GDPR Infor­ma­ti­on Portal.AncoraThemes


Anco­raT­he­mes may post links to third par­ty web­si­tes on this web­site. The­se third par­ty web­si­tes are not scre­e­ned for pri­vacy or secu­rity comp­li­ance by Anco­raT­he­mes, and you rele­a­se us from any lia­bi­lity for the con­duct of the­se third par­ty websites.

All soci­al media sha­ring links, eit­her disp­la­yed as text links or soci­al media icons do not con­nect you to any of the asso­ci­a­ted third par­ti­es, unless you exp­li­citly click on them.

Ple­a­se be aware that this Pri­vacy Poli­cy, and any other poli­ci­es in place, in addi­ti­on to any amend­ments, does not crea­te rights enfor­ce­ab­le by third par­ti­es or requ­i­re disc­los­ure of any per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on relat­ing to mem­bers of the Ser­vi­ce or Site. Anco­raT­he­mes bears no res­pon­si­bi­lity for the infor­ma­ti­on coll­ec­ted or used by any adver­ti­ser or third par­ty web­site. Ple­a­se review the pri­vacy poli­cy and terms of ser­vi­ce for each site you visit thro­ugh third par­ty links.


At times it may beco­me neces­sary or desi­rab­le to Anco­raT­he­mes, for leg­al pur­pos­es, to rele­a­se your infor­ma­ti­on in res­pon­se to a request from a govern­ment agency or a pri­vate lit­igant. You agree that we may disc­lose your infor­ma­ti­on to a third par­ty whe­re we beli­eve, in good faith, that it is desi­rab­le to do so for the pur­pos­es of a civil acti­on, cri­mi­nal investiga­ti­on, or other leg­al mat­ter. In the event that we rece­ive a sub­po­e­na affec­ting your pri­vacy, we may elect to noti­fy you to give you an oppor­tunity to file a moti­on to quash the sub­po­e­na, or we may attempt to quash it our­sel­ves, but we are not obli­ga­ted to do eit­her. We may also pro­ac­ti­vely report you, and rele­a­se your infor­ma­ti­on to, third par­ti­es whe­re we beli­eve that it is pru­dent to do so for leg­al rea­sons, such as our beli­ef that you have engag­ed in fra­u­dul­ent acti­vi­ti­es. You rele­a­se us from any dama­ges that may ari­se from or rela­te to the rele­a­se of your infor­ma­ti­on to a request from law enfor­ce­ment agen­ci­es or pri­vate litigants.

Any pas­sing on of per­so­nal data for leg­al pur­pos­es will only be done in comp­li­ance with laws of the count­ry you res­ide in.

We may amend this Pri­vacy Poli­cy from time to time. When we amend this Pri­vacy Poli­cy, we will update this page accord­ingly and requ­i­re you to accept the amend­ments in order to be per­mit­ted to con­ti­nue using our services.