09 04

Supporting Social Change Handbook on supervising and mentoring in Community Organizing — ENGLISH

What do I need to do my orga­ni­zing work well? What am I doing wrong? Sho­uld I ask som­eo­ne for help, and if so, who? — we often ask our­sel­ves the­se quest­ions inf our work. Com­mu­nity orga­ni­zing or com­mu­nity leaders­hip work, like other people hel­ping pro­fes­sions, can­not be done effec­ti­vely wit­ho­ut ade­qua­te pro­fes­si­o­nal and emo­ti­o­nal sup­port. To help you achi­eve and orga­ni­se succ­ess­ful sup­port work, this com­pi­la­ti­on of Bul­ga­ri­an, Polish, Hun­ga­ri­an, Slo­va­ki­an and Euro­pe­an Com­mu­nity Orga­ni­zing Net­work mem­bers sha­res the­ir experiences.